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line location中文是什么意思

用"line location"造句"line location"怎么读"line location" in a sentence


  • 线路勘查
  • 线路选位


  • Example of line location
  • Then it demonstrates the considerations in line location , such as pursuit of efficiency , respect of parties ’ will . after that , it analyzes legal rules in dividing adjudication powers , especially those concerning compulsory allotment , arbitration clause effects and arbitration clause autonomy
  • Iv by using the domain name , you have intentionally attempted to attract , for commercial gain , internet users to your web site or other on - line location , by creating a likelihood of confusion with the complainant s mark as to the source , sponsorship , affiliation , or endorsement of your web site or location or of a product or service on your web site or location
    ( iv )通过使用该域名来造成与竞争对手商标类似的混淆,如你方网站或网址或你方网站或网址上的产品或服务的资源、赞助,联系或批注,你方有意地企图为了商业利润吸引互联网用户到你方的网站或其他在线网址。
  • And then , the error matrixes of location and kinemics of the end point , and the on - line error compensation method are given based on robot ' s dynamics . finally based on puma robot , three simulation examples are given respectively ; the first is about the location error and on - line location error compensation , the second is about the kinetic error and on - line kinetic error compensation , the third is about location and kinetic errors causing by robot ' s dynamics and the on - line error compensations . the simulation results show that : a ) location error of the end point based on elastic deformation of the sensor will be about millimeter ' s degree under the permitting load , b ) the on - line error compensation methods given are available
    第三章首先概括了目前机器人连杆惯性参数识别的四种方法,总结这些方法的优、缺点;指出这些方法存在的问题是:或者需将机器人解体,不能在线进行参数识别,或者不能给出机器人连杆独立的惯性参数值,只能获得惯性参数的组合值,而这些方法的共同问题是:不能考虑机器人连杆的关节特性;本章提出了一种基于腕力传感器的机器人末端连杆惯性参数在线识别方法,给出了该方法的理论计算和推导;研究提出了以腕力传感器输出为前提的、基于newton - euler动力学的机器人动力学正向、逆向递推公式;针对机器人负载参数辨识必须在线、实时的特点提出了基于腕力传感器的负载参数在线识别方法,给出了负载参数识别的步骤。
  • We mainly discuss four point - line location problems in the plane as follows : problem a is to determine a straight - line to mini - mize the total weighted distances from n given points ; problem b is to determine a point to mini - mize the total weighted distances from n given straight - lines ; problem c is to determine a straight - line to minimize the maximum weighted distances from n given points ; problem d is to determine a point to minimize the maximum weighted distances from n given straight - lines
    我们主要研究了四个平面上的点-线选址问题a , b , c , d 。问题a是求一直线到n个给定点的加权距离和为最小,问题b是求一点到n条给定直线的加权距离和为最小,问题c是求一直线到n个给定点的最大加权距离为最小,问题d是求一点到n条给定直线的最大加权距离为最小。
用"line location"造句  


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